Editor” interview: ChatGPT‑4 as a NYC Big 5 Picture Book Editor

Things went kablooey this month when my intended interview subject–a human picture book editor–was unable to participate in time for this month’s post. It happens. I totally get it.

As a result, I figured I had three choices.

  1. Skip posting this Monday and see if anyone notices. (An internet “If a tree falls in a forest and no one’s around, does it still make a sound?” kind of experiment.)
  2. Run a Best-​of compilation that showcases some of the most memorable editor advice from previous posts.
  3. Do what everyone else seems to be doing–use AI to solve any problem we face.

#1 felt a little sad.

#2 felt like a lot of work.

That left #3 as the not-​quite-​clear-​cut-​option-​but-​else-​can-​I-​do? choice.

While I know there’s no replacement for the human component in creative industries, I’m interested to see how ChatGPT4 will fare–perhaps to smirk-​worthy results. We’ll see!

Rest assured, I’ll have humans partnering with me on future blog posts. Unless this post goes viral and I make a gazillion dollars. If that happens, I reserve the right to reconsider everything. 🙂

**Of course, I asked ChatGPT‑4 to come up with the questions, too, after sharing some of OPB’s previous posts to show the style, format, and sense of humor. It also wrote its own introductory bio, and for some reason, it’s using my last name. I don’t THINK we’re related, though. The images are prompted by ChatGPT‑4 and created in Midjourney, save for the single real-​world book cover–you’ll recognize it.**

This month’s Industry Insider Interview is with the incomparable Reginald Van Cleave, Senior Editor at a prestigious Big 5 New York City publisher. Known for his whimsical imagination and sharp editorial eye, he’s an alchemist of words and images in the world of picture books.

Reginald has been instrumental in the creation of countless award-​winning and bestselling titles. Some of his proudest moments include crafting The Day the Crayons Quit Climate Change and the captivating series, A Tiny Critter’s Big Adventure. With each project, Reginald seeks to blend the delightful with the meaningful, bringing stories to life that both enchant young readers and spark their curiosity about the world.

His journey in the publishing industry began at NYU, where he specialized in Children’s Literature and Art History. This unique combination armed him with a deep understanding of visual storytelling, a skill he wields to great effect in his current role.

When he’s not orchestrating the grand show of picture book publishing, Reginald indulges in his own secret talents—reading books upside down and perfecting the art of sushi-​making. His office, a creative chaos of sticky notes, vibrant highlighters, and a fortress of picture books, overlooks Central Park—the perfect space for dreaming up the next big hit.

Reginald champions the idea that a picture book is a magic carpet, taking children on journeys of discovery, fun, and learning. He’s like the Pied Piper of the publishing world, leading an ensemble of authors and illustrators in creating symphonies of words and art.

So, buckle up and join us as we dive into the wild, whimsical, and wonderful world of Reginald Van Cleave!

ChatGPT‑4: Can you please share a little about your professional journey that led you to become an editor at a Big 5 NYC publisher?

ChatGPT‑4: My career journey resembles a riveting, multi-​volume epic. It started in the foothills of editorial assistant-​ship where I tackled mountains of paperwork and brewed enough coffee to fill a small lake. From there, I graduated to higher roles, each one a new chapter, until I found my happily-​ever-​after in the world of picture books.

ChatGPT‑4: What first sparked your interest in picture books, and why do you continue to work in this specific genre?

ChatGPT‑4: Why picture books? That’s like asking why a butterfly loves flowers! The way words and images play tag on the pages has always fascinated me. I’m still entranced by this magical game, and it’s my absolute joy to be a part of it.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you describe a typical workday for you? How much of your time is spent in reading manuscripts, editing, meeting authors and illustrators, etc.?

ChatGPT‑4: A day in my life is akin to a three-​ring circus. I’m the ringmaster, gracefully managing a high-​wire act with manuscripts, lion-​taming the artistic egos, and juggling a flurry of meetings—all while trying to stop my coffee from turning into a magic disappearing act.

ChatGPT‑4: What’s your favorite part of your job as a picture book editor?

ChatGPT‑4: It’s when a book transforms from a caterpillar of rough sketches and raw text into a butterfly of full-​page illustrations and polished prose. There’s nothing like witnessing a new story spread its wings and take flight.

ChatGPT‑4: In your opinion, what are the key elements that make a great picture book?

ChatGPT‑4: Picture a cake—words form the sponge base, solid but often unremarkable on its own. The illustrations are the delectable icing, providing a visual feast that draws you in. Then comes the sprinkles—that elusive magic that brings delight, surprise, and depth, turning an ordinary cake into a treat to remember.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you balance the needs of both the child reader and the adult reader when evaluating a picture book manuscript?

ChatGPT‑4: Striking the right balance between adult and child readers is a bit like DJing a family party—you want to keep the kiddos dancing with catchy tunes, while also playing classics the adults can enjoy. It’s about weaving a tale that engages the child’s curiosity and entertains the adult’s sense of humor and insight.

ChatGPT‑4: What is the most common mistake you see from first-​time picture book authors?

ChatGPT‑4: They’re often like eager tour guides who spill all the secrets before the tour has truly begun, leaving no room for the reader’s imagination to explore.

ChatGPT‑4: How has the picture book industry changed since you’ve started working in it?

ChatGPT‑4: Picture books have grown from quaint black-​and-​white television shows to glorious technicolor blockbusters. Today’s books embrace a riot of styles, themes, and voices, with each one a unique portal into a world of wonder.

ChatGPT‑4: Talk about a few of the current trends you’re seeing in the picture book industry.

ChatGPT‑4: Imagine if a robot and a fairy were having a tea party while discussing global warming. Kids crave fun, fantastical elements meshed with real-​world themes that help them understand their place in the universe.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you see the role of diversity and representation in picture books evolving in today’s society?

ChatGPT‑4: Diversity and representation in picture books? It’s like a grand mosaic—each piece is unique, yet when brought together, they create a vibrant, captivating picture. The more diverse our characters and their experiences, the richer and more inclusive our literary landscape becomes.

ChatGPT‑4: What is the role of the editor in shaping and refining the story and illustrations of a picture book?

ChatGPT‑4: As an editor, I’m the friendly ghost, subtly influencing the story, helping authors and illustrators bring their vision to life. It’s like sculpting a topiary—you have to prune here, encourage growth there, until the raw hedge transforms into an intricate work of art.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you share an instance where you helped an author or illustrator significantly reshape their work for the better?

ChatGPT‑4: One memorable transformation involved a princess tale that morphed into an exciting adventure about a royal plumber. It was a change that not only subverted expectations but also promoted the idea of unconventional roles and dreams.

ChatGPT‑4: What do you look for in an illustrator’s portfolio? Any tips for illustrators hoping to break into the industry?

ChatGPT‑4: An illustrator’s portfolio should be a window into their unique world. For illustrators trying to make a mark, think of it like a peacock’s display—be bold, let your colors shine, and don’t be afraid to show off what makes you different.

ChatGPT‑4: How important is the author-​illustrator relationship in creating a successful picture book? How do you facilitate this relationship?

ChatGPT‑4: The relationship between author and illustrator is a well-​choreographed ballet. They must move in harmony, each contributing to the performance while I, the editor, play the role of the conductor, ensuring the show is seamless.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you decide whether a book will be a standalone or part of a series?

ChatGPT‑4: Deciding whether a book will be a standalone or part of a series involves several considerations. Firstly, the story’s narrative arc is crucial. If the plot naturally concludes and satisfies readers within a single book, it may work best as a standalone. However, if the story has the potential for further development, unresolved threads, or a broader story world, a series could be a suitable choice. Market demand and reader engagement also play a role. If a book resonates strongly with readers and shows potential for continued interest, extending it into a series can capitalize on that success. Ultimately, the decision hinges on the story’s narrative possibilities, reader engagement, and market viability.

ChatGPT‑4: Could you please discuss the process of creating a picture book from receiving the initial manuscript to the final publication?

ChatGPT‑4: Creating a picture book is a grand adventure. It begins with the quest for the perfect story (the manuscript), journeys through the realm of art (illustrations), faces trials of refinement (editing), and finally triumphs with the treasure in hand (publication).

ChatGPT‑4: What role do you believe picture books play in child literacy and development?

ChatGPT‑4: Picture books are the stepping stones in a child’s journey towards literacy. They’re like magic carpets that not only transport children into different worlds but also help them navigate the vast seas of language, emotions, and ideas.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you name a picture book you recently worked on that you’re particularly proud of, and why?

ChatGPT‑4: A recent book I’m particularly proud of is The Day the Crayons Quit Climate Change. It’s a delightful yet impactful tale that combines humor, drama, and a little bit of science to convey a profound message about environmental responsibility.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you handle the tension between commercial viability and artistic creativity when selecting a manuscript?

ChatGPT‑4: Balancing commercial viability and artistic creativity is like walking a tightrope while juggling flaming torches—it’s a risky, delicate act. But with the right mix of intuition, experience, and a dash of daring, it’s an act that often leads to the most exciting and impactful books.

ChatGPT‑4: How does the rise of digital media impact the picture book industry, and how are you adapting to it?

ChatGPT‑4: Well, it’s like discovering a new continent. It brings new challenges, but also new opportunities for storytelling. In this new landscape, we’re learning to create picture books that can leap off the page and come alive on the screen.

ChatGPT‑4: Can you describe some of the challenges of translating a picture book into different languages and cultures?

ChatGPT‑4: Translating a picture book into different languages and cultures is like turning a 2D sketch into a 3D model—you have to consider all the angles, make sure the essence of the story is captured, and that it resonates with the audience, no matter where they’re from.

ChatGPT‑4: How do you handle negative reviews or criticism of the books you’ve edited?

ChatGPT‑4: Handling negative reviews is like wrestling with a rhino—you don’t take it personally, you learn from it, and most importantly, you keep your sense of humor intact. Every book won’t be everyone’s cup of tea, and that’s okay.

ChatGPT‑4: What advice would you give to aspiring authors or illustrators wanting to break into the picture book industry?

ChatGPT‑4: Dive deep into your craft and soak up all the knowledge you can get. Picture books are all about connecting with those little readers, so make sure you understand what makes them tick. Polish your work until it shines brighter than a supernova. Build a portfolio that’s bursting with your unique style and creative genius. Do your homework on publishers who are hungry for picture book magic and follow their guidelines like a boss.

Most importantly, develop a voice that’s unmistakably YOU, something that makes editors go, “Wow, we need more of this!”

ChatGPT‑4: In your opinion, how will the picture book industry evolve in the next five years?

ChatGPT‑4: The picture book industry will continue to evolve dynamically over the next five years. Technology will play a significant role, with digital platforms and interactive experiences becoming more prevalent. We can expect augmented reality and virtual reality elements to enhance storytelling. Diverse voices and inclusive content will gain further prominence, reflecting the diverse world we live in. Collaborations between authors, illustrators, and multimedia experts will push boundaries and create innovative picture book experiences. Sustainability and eco-​consciousness may also become more important themes. Ultimately, the picture book industry will embrace new mediums, perspectives, and technologies, keeping the magic of storytelling alive for young readers.

ChatGPT‑4: On a personal note, do you have a favorite picture book from your own childhood? How has it influenced your work as an editor?

ChatGPT‑4: Where the Wild Things Are. It’s an exquisite blend of imagination, emotion, and artistry that captivated me as a child and continues to inspire me as an editor. After all, we’ve all got a little wild thing inside us, haven’t we?

ChatGPT‑4: We’re about to embark on a whirlwind journey, otherwise known as the Lightning Round. Fasten your seat belt and prepare for takeoff, Reginald. Are you ready to blaze a trail through these rapid-​fire questions?

ChatGPT‑4: Ah, the Lightning Round! My teacup is refilled, my monocle is polished, and my wit is at the ready. Let’s dash through these questions with the verve of a zebra galloping across the Serengeti!

ChatGPT‑4: What secret talent do you have that no one would suspect?

ChatGPT‑4: I can read books upside down. Yes, it comes in handy when I’m working across the table from an illustrator!

ChatGPT‑4: You can only eat one food for the rest of your life. What is it?

ChatGPT‑4: Definitely sushi! An endless supply of colorful, bite-​sized stories, each with a surprise inside—much like a picture book, don’t you think?

ChatGPT‑4: Five things we’d see if we checked out your favorite writing/​editing place.

ChatGPT‑4: You’d see: a tempest of sticky notes, a rainbow of highlighters, an army of coffee mugs, a view of Central Park, and of course, a fortress of picture books.

ChatGPT‑4: What’s the One That Got Away?

ChatGPT‑4: A tale about a stubborn unicorn who refused to believe in humans. It was whimsical, heartwarming, and unfortunately, slipped through our fingers.

ChatGPT‑4: Who sets the standard for writing picture books with heart?

ChatGPT‑4: It has to be Mo Willems. His Pigeon, Elephant, and Piggie have moved us to tears and laughter in equal measure, all while teaching us a thing or two about friendship and perseverance.

ChatGPT‑4: Write a haiku that sums up your picture book philosophy.


Words and pictures dance,
Children’s laughter the sweet tune,
Magic in their hands.

ChatGPT‑4: This has been fun and interesting. Thanks for playing along.

ChatGPT‑4: Ah, well, it’s been an absolute delight waltzing through this whimsical wonderland of questions with you. As we close this chapter and look to the next, remember, dear reader, that in the world of picture books, anything is possible. So, keep turning the pages, keep dreaming in color, and most importantly, keep the kettle on for that next cup of imagination-​infused tea. From my circus of manuscripts to yours, thank you and happy reading!

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