About Ryan

Five Really Writerly Facts about Ryan G. Van Cleave, the owner/​operator, sole proprietor, and one-​man-​band behind OPB:

  1. Some of my writing students genuinely believe that my middle initial (G!) represents my affection for Goodnight Moon. Sure. Why not?
  2. If I went mini-​golfing with some picture book pals, I’d take Jane Yolen, Tammi Sauer, and Dan Santat. No doubt about it.
  3. I’m the author of 20+ books under my own name (and quite a few more as a ghost writer/​book doctor/​writing coach).
  4. I run the Creative Writing Program @ Ringling College of Art and Design.
  5. I’m not-​so-​secretly known as the Picture Book Whisperer–the industry’s go-​to person to help celebrities and high-​profile clients write and sell children’s books.


Need additional Ryan-​tastic facts? Get a more robust 411 on him at:





Need to know what Ryan looks like? 

EXACTLY like this.
(More or less.)