Cover Reveal: My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me by Roxanne Troup

I never want to drop a lone image in a Cover Reveal post without offering a bit more, so enjoy this bonus mini-​interview with author Roxanne Troup about her debut trade picture book, My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me (Yeehoo Press, March 2023). If you want more from Roxanne, check out the full-​length interview we did at OPB earlier this week.

Why are there TWO covers here?” you might be asking. The first one is the cover proper, and the one below it is the cover beneath the dust jacket–the “under cover,” as Roxanne called it. That makes this a two-​fer cover reveal, folks!

RVC: What’s the most important thing people should know or understand about My Grandpa, My Tree, and Me?

RT: That it’s about more than trees. It’s about family, and while (like a growing tree) family changes over time, love only multiplies.

RVC: What’s your favorite line from the book?

RT: The very last one…but I won’t spoil that. So, I’ll go with my “next favorite” which appears on the second spread.

Every winter, while the trees stand silent under a sleepy sun…”

RVC: What are your current book launch plans?

RT: Am I supposed to know that already?!

RVC: Hah. Maybe?

RT: I guess, now I know what I’m doing in October. 😉

I’ve actually been busy working on the teacher guide and new school visit presentation for the book, but since no one grows pecans in Colorado, I may end up doing two “launches”—a small celebration here with writing pals and family, and another back home in Missouri (with a school visit attached) where the pecans will just be leafing out for a new production year.

RVC: Last question: what’s been your favorite part about working with Yeehoo Press?

RT: Seeing the artwork for the first time was fantastic, but I love that (after the contract) everything at Yeehoo has moved relatively quickly. And I’m super excited to see the book produced simultaneously in English and Chinese. How cool is that?

RVC: Cool indeed! Best of luck with the book, Roxanne. And thanks for letting OPB be part of your kidlit journey!

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