Educational Activites: Snow Globe Wishes by Erin Dealey


Snow Globe Wishes
Author: Erin Dealey
Illustrator: Claire Shorrock
Sleeping Bear Press
15 September 2019
32 pages

The book description from Goodreads: “As the worst snow storm of the year rolls in, one family hunkers down together in a cozy blanket fort for the night. A little girl makes a wish on a snow globe and, in the morning, the sun rises on a winter wonderland–beckoning all outside. And what if, on this snow-​filled day, families shake their busy lives and everyone goes out to play? A lyrical holiday story about wishes and community and snow–lots and lots of snow.”

Need some reviews of Snow Globe Wishes?

Feathered Quill



Publishers Weekly


As a bonus, here’s the book trailer for Snow Globe Wishes.

Educational Activities inspired by Snow Globe Wishes by Erin Dealey:

  • Before Reading–From looking at the front and back cover: 
    • What time of year is it?
    • Why does the girl with the snowglobe seem so happy?
    • Where and when does this story appear to take place?
    • The back cover features three lines of text. How do these words prepare you for the story?
  • After Reading–Now that you’ve read the story: 
    • Which of the family’s indoor activities seemed most enjoyable?
    • What are “snow globe wishes”?
    • When everyone listens, what do they hear?
    • Did the story end the way you imagined?
    • Go back and revisit the pictures in this book. Which of them is your favorite? Why?
  • Writing–Have you ever been in a situation where the power has gone out? Write a list of your things you could do with your family to pass the time when you can’t turn on the TV, play video games, or even use the lights! How many can options can you think of?
  • Crafts–With an adult’s help, try some of the following winter-​themed crafts: 
    • DIY Snow Globe–This craft requires an adult’s help for sure, but they’re not THAT hard to make. And wow, do they look good.
    • Easy Snow Globe–Gather the ingredients and make your own snow globe. How cool is that?
    • Ice Ornaments–Cheap, simple, and terrific to look at. These only work if you live in an area that gets freezing temperatures, though. Sorry, Florida and Texas fans!
    • Melted Snowman–This craft has a few more steps than some, but the result is worth it. Loads of fun.
    • Playdough Snowman–The no-​cook dough recipe has a special ingredient to make the whites really stand out. Add glitter to create a frosty sparkle.
    • Three-​dimensional Snowflakes–Simple, pretty, and an inexpensive hit with kids.
  • Further Reading–Want to find some other terrific picture books about snow? (Click on the book cover for more information on any of these titles!)