OPB Favorites: Best Agent/​Editor Interview Moments from OPB in 2022

Thanks to having such a GREAT crew of writers, artists, and industry folks visit OPB this past year, tons of terrific/​useful/​exciting things came out in the interviews. For this final Industry Insider post, I decided to compile some of the most memorable agent/​editor interview moments right here in one handy-​dandy end-​of-​the-​year post.

**If their answers required a lead-​in/​framing questions, I included those. Many of these gems, however, stand well enough on their own.**

Did I miss a great line or idea from a 2022 Industry Insider interview that really stuck with you? If so, go ahead and tell me in the comments.

See you in 2023!

Reka Simonsen (Editorial Director, Atheneum)

RVC: What’s the most common misconception about editors?

RS: Even in the book world, I find that most people still think that editing means correcting grammar and punctuation—the kind of red-​pen editing that a lot of us are familiar with from the notes teachers wrote on our school essays. More experienced writers and agents know otherwise, of course, but first-​time authors still often expect that the first thing they’ll see from an editor is a detailed line-​level edit of the manuscript, which is usually a much later step in the process, rather than a letter or conversation that looks at the bigger picture aspects of the story, which is more often the first editorial step.

Kayla Tostevin (Senior Editor, Page Street)

RVC: What important lessons did editing that book teach you?

KT: This book was probably my first big lesson on how incredibly subjective publishing is. The author-illustrator–my bosses–and I all had many different ideas about the best way to handle many aspects of this book, and I realized, oh, being an editor is much less about fully controlling the development of a book than it is about finding the best route to solid middle ground between multiple visions. It’s not steering the car so much as politely giving directions from the shotgun seat, while sometimes the driver ignores you to make their own rogue turns, or the backseat passengers argue, or your maps app dies and you have to ask everyone to pull over and be patient with you while you reroute.

It’s a kind of chaos I’ve learned to fondly embrace. Having to come up with a new title that satisfied everyone was an especially hard piece of this lesson.

Frances Gilbert (Editor-​in-​Chief, Doubleday Books for Young Readers/​Random House Children’s Books)

RVC: Let’s help some of the aspiring writers out there. What’s a common misconception about kidlit editors?

FG: I know our industry can feel opaque when you’re trying to break in. One thing I always let people know is that we’re always earnestly trying to find exciting new works. I think people have the idea that we enjoy rejecting things, when in truth it’s the opposite. We’re always avidly trying to find great writing. We don’t enjoy saying “No” as often as we must. “Yes” is always more exciting.


RVC: One more question for aspiring writers—what are your feelings on art notes? 

FG: If I don’t know what you envision happening in the book without art notes, then give me art notes. It’s that simple. I don’t understand why people worry about them so much.

Catherine Laudone (Editor, Paula Wiseman Books)

CL: Today, I make time to read for pleasure (and for school), and I go to the library once a week to check out picture books and graphic novels. Although I will admit that I consume novels mostly in the audiobook format these days. It’s easier to listen while doing the dishes, making dinner, or driving somewhere than it is to find time to sit down and read a physical copy.

Allison Cohen (Editor, Running Press Kids)

RVC: All the time, I see editors moving into the field of agenting. You did that, but then you boomeranged back to editing. That’s really quite rare.

AC: I loved being an agent. I loved working with writers across genres—children’s and adult, fiction and non-​fiction, etc. And the relationships I built with my authors were unbelievably special. But the 247 hustle was a lot. You’re not just an agent—you’re an editor, an accountant, a lawyer, a therapist, etc. I often found myself pulled away from some of what I loved best about the job—working with authors on developing their manuscripts. Don’t get me wrong, being an editor requires hustle—nights and weekends reading and editing—but it’s a different kind. I had been talking to an editor friend of mine about life and maybe making a change but not really knowing what that change was.


RVC: What’s one thing that a lot of people just don’t quite understand about picture books?

AC: There is SO much that has to come together to make a book. That’s why schedules can be so long. It takes a lot to create synergy between the text and illustrations—you have the manuscript, then you find the right illustrator, then you get the sketches (almost always adjustments are made), then you see the color art (more adjustments are made). You’re getting together materials to share with sales so they can sell in to their accounts. You’re building marketing/​publicity plans to launch the book into the world. All this is happening while the managing ed and production teams are doing their best to make sure the books are printed, shipped, etc. There are so many hands that touch a book. It takes time. It’s a lot of work, but then you get the advance copy, hold it in your hands and think, THIS IS WHY. It is incredible when everything works out.

Lisa Rosinsky (Senior Editor, Barefoot Books)

LR: Early mornings are still my favorite time to write…when my creative brain is still loose and dreamy, before my critic/​editor brain has fully awoken.


RVC: Who or what has influenced you as an editor?

LR: That’s a tough one…I’d have to name every book I’ve ever read and every editor I’ve ever had the privilege to work with. Most recently, though, I have to say that reading books with my two-​year-​old has taught me an enormous amount about editing. There’s nothing like reading a book over and over with a toddler to show you where the plot lags or fails to hold a reader’s attention, where the syntax is clunky or there are missing details. And picture books are a shared experience between an adult and a child—you have to think about the grownup buying and reading the books as well as the young audience. My new test for a manuscript when I’m reading submissions is, “Would I still want to read this one again after reading it at bedtime every single night for MONTHS?”

RVC: That’s a high bar, indeed!

LR: Absolutely.

Tricia Lawrence (Agent, Erin Murphy Literary Agency)

RVC: What’s the most important things authors should know or understand about effectively using social media to support their careers?

TL: That social media DOES NOT MATTER without the writing. It supports the book, but it doesn’t supersede the book. You only need a massive social media platform if you’re writing nonfiction for the mainstream adult trade market, say, if you’ve got a new approach to phlebotomy or something (ha!), but the story matters the most in children’s literature and teen literature. It’s ALL that matters.

That said, pick the social media tools you enjoy and leave off the rest. If you don’t like Twitter, it will be obvious. If you LOVE TikTok, go with god and have fun.

Jacqui Lipton (Agent, Tobias Literary Agency)

RVC: You work as a legal consultant for writers and creative artists. What’s the most frequently asked question you get? 

JL: Definitely questions about including other people’s work (e.g. song lyrics, lines of poetry, photographs) in your own work—and the extent to which that infringes copyright. A lot of people think that giving attribution to the original creator avoids a copyright infringement problem and it really doesn’t because copyright isn’t about attribution—it’s about copying. Attributing the original creator is always nice, but it’s not a copyright issue. If the original creator gives you permission to use their work and asks for attribution in return, that’s a contract (it’s a contractual license to use their work with attribution).

The other common question is about defamation—say, someone is writing a memoir and want to know what they can “get away with” writing about real people in their lives without being at risk for a defamation suit. Luckily for authors, defamation is a pretty weak law in the United States as compared with other countries. Truth does tend to be a defense and statements of opinion, rather than fact, are typically not defamatory.


RVC: What’s your personal feeling on Art Notes from authors?

JL: I think they’re fine as long as they’re not overdone. Some pieces require more art notes than others to clarify what’s happening in the text. As long as the author isn’t being overly prescriptive and not giving any room for the illustrator to shine, or, conversely, the author isn’t leaving too much of the narrative to the illustrator because the author, say, doesn’t really know how the story ends (!), I think, with practice, it’s usually relatively clear where and when illustrator notes should be included.

Agents should be able to help with this, too. I’m often discussing adding illustrator notes (or removing them) with client work, so there’s no “perfect” amount of illustrator notes to include when querying agents, and an agent who likes your work should be able to discuss including or deleting illustrator notes. Same with backmatter and other supplemental information.

Natalie Lakosil (Agent, Irene Goodman Literary Agency)

RVC: What are some of the lessons you learned by agenting children’s books?

NL: What I learned over the years was that you’re going to suck at it for a little bit. You have to push past that, the “I don’t know what I’m doing, and nothing is selling–why is nothing selling…WHY?” because you’re kind of figuring out your own path.

Obviously, I didn’t NOT sell anything, but I have a much stronger sell-​through rate now. Back then, I was still building connections. I learned that you have to stay flexible as an agent. Don’t be afraid to branch into something new, even though it’s going to take work. You’re going to have to do a lot of research. You’re going to have to talk to colleagues. You’re going to have a lot of trial and error and not be perfect in your style and process. That could all take years, but it’s worth it in the end. You just have to push past that learning curve.


RVC: What is the hardest part about being a literary agent?

NL: The emotional roller coaster of the industry. I get rejection daily. I pour my heart and soul into projects that don’t sell. I fall in love with projects that I don’t get to work on. I get horrible news when a book is cancelled, or something bad happens and something’s in jeopardy for an author or client. There are so many things that shift daily that you have to practice self care a lot so you can manage the ups and downs.

It’s commission work, too. Not everybody works on commission, but at least for me, it means there are ups and down throughout the year. You could have a fantastic first quarter that makes your year, then maybe nothing comes in for the next couple months and you’re questioning, “Am I ever going to sell a book again?” because you’re seeing other agents doing amazing things. And you’re thinking like, “Oh, should I be doing that?” There’s a lot of comparison going on. It’s like the Facebook thing, a lot of people shouting about all their amazing things. But they don’t share the hardships, and we all experience hardships.

James McGowan (Agent, BookEnds Literary Agency)

JW: What was the most helpful lesson you learned as an intern?

JM: Ask questions. I am by nature a question-​asker but it is crucial that every intern abandon any level of fear and just ask the question they have. There is no stupid question when you’re learning a field. Also, it makes you look engaged, interested, and people remember you better when they talk to you more.


JW: Was there anything about the process of having your book published that took you by surprise, having worked in the industry?

JM: Ha! No, not really. I knew what to expect. Well, maybe just the general anxiety of it all. I did not realize how much pressure one can feel when gearing up for a publication day.


And since OPB underpromises and over-delivers…here are a few inspirational SCBWI FL conference highlights from this year’s Orlando event, as well!

(If you want to see all of them, here’s the full write-​up on it @ OPB.)


Brett Duquette (Executive Editor, Little Bee Books)

BD: Revising can be hard. One idea is to take it like a cake in layers. Don’t try and do everything at the same time. Because if you’re like me, all you’ll do is just work on making verbs and nouns prettier. Have a language layer or a plot layer or a character layer. It might help to think about it like you’re painting.


BD: When I was younger, my brother gave me a photo of myself as a baby and said, Would you be mean to that person? So, if you’re hard on yourself, look at a photo of yourself as a child, and remember that you deserve love. Be gentle to yourself.

Aneeka Kalia (Associate Editor, Viking Children’s Books)

AK: Be patient, be persistent, and be kind to yourself.

Laurent Linn (Art Director, Simon & Schuster)

LL: Be true to your purpose. Because your purpose is one of the few things in life that you control.


LL: Be honest with your readers or readers who aren’t reading yet…no matter what their age or stage of development.

Joyce Sweeney (Agent, The Seymour Agency)

JS: Go ahead and feel the sorrow when something bad happens in your career, then get back up and say, Okay, well, what can I do now? What’s the next thing?

Editor Interview: Reka Simonsen (Atheneum)

This month’s Industry Insider is Reka Simonsen. Prior to becoming Editorial Director at Atheneum, she worked at various publishers and bookstores such as Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Henry Holt Books for Young Readers, and Books of Wonder.

To know why we’re so excited to have her join us at OPB, just look at some of the people she’s worked with—Margarita Engle, Carole Boston Weatherford, Evan Turk, Frank Morrison, Jamie Sumner, Linda Urban, Joy McCullough, Emily Ecton, Melanie Crowder, Brian Pinkney, Sean Qualls, Lita Judge, and Lloyd Alexander, among others.

And then there’s the awards that books she’s edited have won—a Newbery Honor, a Coretta Scott King Award and an Honor, a Geisel Honor, a Sibert Honor, Walter Honors, a PEN USA Award, several Pura Belpré Awards and Honors, Jane Addams Peace Awards and Honors, Americás Awards and Honors, a Christopher Medal, Charlotte Zolotow Awards, and they’ve been finalists for the Morris Award, the Andre Norton Award, and the Edgar Award.

Wow, right? Let’s get straight to the interview to discover how Reka makes the magic happen.

RVC: What was your first vital/​transformative experience with books?

RS: Books have been such an important part of my life since very early childhood that it’s hard to think of one transformative experience that I’ve had in relation to them, but some of my earliest and happiest memories are of reading with my father. Long after I’d passed the usual age for bedtime stories, he and I would take turns reading to each other, often from favorites like My Family and Other Animals by Gerald Durrell. I still reread that book almost every year, in memory of my dad. And I very nearly became a wildlife biologist because of Gerald Durrell’s books…

RVC: You graduated from Hunter College with degrees in art and English. What was the career plan at that point? Was it wildlife biology?

RS: Getting a job with health insurance! I’m joking, but not really. I deferred college for several years while I trained as a dancer, so when I did finally go to school, I knew the financial insecurity that comes from being in the arts. Because of that, I was aiming for a career that fulfilled both my need for creativity and my need for basic benefits. I was working part-​time in publishing while I was in college, so I already knew I liked the work; my goal was just to get into the area of publishing that I had always loved: children’s books.

RVC: Though most people think of you as a kidlit editor, you got your start by editing textbooks and coffee table books. How did that work prepare you to be an editor for children’s books? 

RS: At the time, I wondered if the skills specific to those two types of books would be of any use once I started working with children’s books. Turns out that a few of them have. Knowing how to do photo research and obtain permissions has come in handy when I’ve worked on nonfiction books. And editing coffee table books gave me a good eye for how art and text work together to create visual energy and interest for readers, whether young or old.

RVC: What was the first picture book you edited? 

RS: At first, I edited a lot of things that I inherited from predecessors. The first picture book I acquired and edited was Head, Body, Legs, a Liberian creation story by Won-​Ldy Paye and Margaret Lippert, illustrated by Julie Paschkis.

RVC: What was the most important lesson that book taught you?

RS: The importance of working collaboratively, which is something I agreed with in theory but had never had such a hands-​on experience of before this book. The text is a collaboration between two authors: Won-​Ldy is from Liberia and has known the traditional tale his whole life, and as a professional storyteller he can hold an audience rapt with his rendition of it. But he had not written a book before, which was where his friend and collaborator Margaret came in. She is a writer and educator, and she knows how to shape things so that the written version that a parent might read with their kid lands with the same impact that the story has when told in the oral tradition. Then the two of them worked directly with their friend Julie to help interpret the story visually, which was not an easy task, given that it’s about three individual body parts trying to figure out how to come together to make a person! Usually, authors and illustrators do not work directly with one another, but in this case all three of them were friends, and that brought another layer to the book. The art director and I worked closely with all three of them to help shape the folktale into a wonderful book. It was an incredible experience!

RVC: That sounds amazing! Now, what’s the most common misconception about editors?

RS: Even in the book world, I find that most people still think that editing means correcting grammar and punctuation—the kind of red-​pen editing that a lot of us are familiar with from the notes teachers wrote on our school essays. More experienced writers and agents know otherwise, of course, but first-​time authors still often expect that the first thing they’ll see from an editor is a detailed line-​level edit of the manuscript, which is usually a much later step in the process, rather than a letter or conversation that looks at the bigger picture aspects of the story, which is more often the first editorial step.

RVC: What was the most demanding/​challenging picture book you’ve worked on?

RS: I’d have to say A Violin for Elva by Mary Lyn Ray, illustrated by Tricia Tusa. The book itself was wonderful, as were the author and the illustrator, who are both incredibly talented, and lovely people to boot. But long before I started at Harcourt, the two of them had disagreed about the vision for the book, and so the project languished for many, many years. Then I approached them about finding a way forward together, and we were able to do that. While I’d like to think that my fresh perspective and sheer brilliance were what did the trick, I think it was more that enough time had passed for everyone to approach it with more clarity.

RVC: In the few years I’ve been doing interviews here at OPB, I’ve only had a few with a noticeably absent digital footprint. While you’re not quite in the running with them, you’re close! What’s your relationship to social media?

RS:  Ha! Well, it is intentional. While social media has some wonderful upsides, it has a lot of downsides, and for me there are just too many instances where it goes negative and seems to bring out the worst even in well-​intentioned people. I really don’t need to see more of that than necessary—the state of the world provides quite enough stress these days!—so I stay off social media as much as I can. I find that even without being very active on most platforms, I still hear the big headline-​level events and news fairly quickly.

RVC: How important is it for authors to use social media or maintain some type of web presence?

RS: It seems to be much more important for YA authors than for authors writing in any other age category of children’s books. While of course it’s helpful to have some online presence, there just aren’t many platforms where people outside the industry chat up picture books or middle-​grade novels, so the kind of TikTok phenomenon that some YA and adult books are benefiting from just doesn’t seem to be happening for other sorts of books.

RVC: How do you handle pressure at work?

RS: It is very easy in our industry to spend every waking hour either working or thinking about work, an unhealthy situation that has gotten even more pervasive since the pandemic has resulted in many of us working from home indefinitely. But I try very hard to shut down my computer at a reasonable time except when there’s a truly urgent reason for me to keep working at that moment and turn my mind to something else. Plus, I’ve built in other activities, fun things that aren’t work related, that force me to stop work by a certain time at least a few days a week. When things are stressful, often it helps if I take a walk to get some fresh air—even better if I get to see some happy dogs out and about!

RVC: Do you ever get editor’s block?

RS: Oh, yes; I think every editor does once in a while. For me, it helps to read a really good book that I didn’t edit! And sometimes revisiting old favorites can rekindle the spark and remind me why I love working with children’s books. I think it’s also really important to have some creative outlets that are not about books. As editors, our work is often creative and fulfilling, but we can’t mistake that for having our own creative passions that are entirely separate from our jobs. For me, those are things like singing in a chorus, working in the garden, cooking, and to keep both my hands and my mind busy but relaxed, knitting while watching basketball.

RVC: One last question for this part of the interview. It’s brag time! What upcoming projects are you especially excited about? 

RS:  Where to start?! I’m beyond excited about Daughters of Oduma by Moses Ose Utomi, an incredibly fresh, epic YA fantasy inspired by West African culture that’s coming out in February. It’s the story of an élite female fighter named Dirt who feels she’s over the hill but must reenter the competition to protect her found family of younger sisters. It’s a fiercely feminist, body-​positive novel with characters that just grab you by the heart and don’t let go.

I’m also absolutely thrilled about Emma Otheguy’s picture book Martina Has Too Many Tías which has the most adorable illustrations by Sara Palacios. It is a wonderful reimagining of the beloved Caribbean folktale “La Cucaracha Martina” that any child (or adult!) with a loud, lively family will be able to relate to.

RVC: Thanks for that, Reka. But now it’s time for the LIGHTNING ROUND! Zippy questions and zappy answers. Are you ready?

RS: Yes!

RVC: What secret talent do you have that no one would suspect?

RS: I can write backwards—mirror writing. It’s not a very useful talent, but it’s kind of a fun parlor trick. And I found out the hard way (by breaking my wrist) that I can write with both hands, though admittedly my left-​hand writing is at about a third-​grade level.

RVC: You can only eat one food for the rest of your life. What is it?

RS: Only one? I guess I’ll have to go with my favorite birthday cake: lemon cake with lemon curd and whipped cream.

RVC: Five things we’d see if we checked out your favorite writing/​editing place.

RS: My tortoiseshell cat, Maisie, who is trying to crawl into my lap; an in-​progress knitted blanket that at this point is just big enough to keep my toes warm; a view of my newly planted garden which will hopefully be more impressive next year; two very tall, very full bookcases; and two beloved original Edward Gorey prints.

RVC: What’s the One That Got Away?

RS: Oh, there’s more than one! The two that have stuck with me the most, even though they were a long time ago now, are The Thing about Jellyfish by Ali Benjamin and We Are Not Free by Traci Chee.

RVC: Who sets the standard for writing picture books with heart?

RS: So many wonderful writers to choose from, but two who always speak to my heart are Julie Fogliano and Mem Fox.

RVC: What literary agent’s compliment about you would please you most?

RS: I suppose that they’ve heard great things about me and have been wanting to work with me!

RVC: Thanks so much, Reka!

Editor Interview: Kayla Tostevin (Page Street)

The October Industry Insider at OPB is…Page Street Senior Editor Kayla Tostevin! While I generally create my own bios for interview guests, I ran across this bio for her at various SCBWI faculty bio pages, and it’s so terrific that I’m just including it in full.

When not poring over books (and sometimes while poring over books), she likes to be outside: hiking, biking, on a boat, or wandering aimlessly and smiling at animals. She hails from one end of the longest US freeway I‑90 (Seattle, WA) and now lives at the other in Boston, MA.”

Kayla got on my radar because she’s acquired books from literary agents who’ve joined us here at OPB, such as:

What I’ve found is that good people tend to gravitate toward other good people, so that pretty much explains the connections above.

And speaking of good people, let’s learn a bit more about our new good friend, Kayla, by getting to that interview.

RVC: Between the bio above and your Twitter bio (which has the line “happiest while adventuring”), I’m really curious—what type of childhood did you have?

KT: I’m very lucky to have grown up with four fantastic parents (my step-​parents both came into the picture when I was quite young), shifting back and forth between my two sides of family every few days. I think having that constant movement and two wonderfully different home environments—generally spending a lot of time running around outside with neighbor kids and hiking with family at one house, falling in love with movies and playing lots of card and video games together at the other—has probably greatly influenced my restlessness and curiosity/​enthusiasm for a wide variety of things even today. I’m so grateful for all I was able to experience during childhood and all the adventures I’m continuing to have as an adult!

RVC: At what point did you know you were going to work in publishing?

KT: I’ve loved books my whole life and suspected I wanted to work with them as early as middle school—but I originally wanted to be a writer, so I went for a writing, literature, and publishing major in college. After spending some time around other students on the same track and taking several classes, I realized I was better suited to the publishing part than the writing part!

RVC: You started at Page Street in the marketing area. What kind of advantage does that give you now as an editor?

KT: I think it really helps to have a better view of the entire process of bookmaking—and in this case, that very much includes what comes both before and after the book is made. When I’m looking at submissions for potential acquisition, I’m careful to consider not just if it’s a great story, but if it actually has some strong selling points, and my marketing experience definitely has made me stronger at pinpointing those selling points. Once the book is made, I can discuss with the marketing/​PR team what features of the story might be most useful for them to push, using my familiarity as editor to help the rest of the team promote as effectively as possible. Other perspectives are always useful. This background has also given me a much greater awareness and respect for all the other departments involved in making a book.

RVC: What’s the story behind the first picture book you edited at Page Street?

KT: I was one of two children’s editorial assistants in 2019, and we would often be assigned stories the children’s publisher at the time was interested in working on and possibly acquiring. We’d often (good-​spiritedly) fight over who got to work on which ones, and a dummy I won eventually became Moles Present the Natural Tolls of Digging Holes by Springer Badger.

Honestly, it was pretty minimally revised—I mostly just encouraged the author-​illustrator to rearrange some scenes, bring out some contrasts, and lean into the delightful weirdness lurking in the art’s background. The process was a strange one with me doing most of the editing during my temporary return to the marketing/​publicity department, and I still have a huge soft spot for the book.

RVC: What important lessons did that book teach you?

KT: This book was probably my first big lesson on how incredibly subjective publishing is. The author-illustrator–my bosses–and I all had many different ideas about the best way to handle many aspects of this book, and I realized, oh, being an editor is much less about fully controlling the development of a book than it is about finding the best route to solid middle ground between multiple visions. It’s not steering the car so much as politely giving directions from the shotgun seat, while sometimes the driver ignores you to make their own rogue turns, or the backseat passengers argue, or your maps app dies and you have to ask everyone to pull over and be patient with you while you reroute.

It’s a kind of chaos I’ve learned to fondly embrace. Having to come up with a new title that satisfied everyone was an especially hard piece of this lesson. (Fun fact–the original title of the book was We Dig Holes Like Moles).

RVC: Fun title! Now, what makes a Page Street book a Page Street book?

KT: Our publisher likes to stress that we want to make books we feel passionate about, and I second that! With our picture books specifically, we try to consider what will entertain a kid first and foremost—any messages or lessons have to come second to this, because no matter how great they are they’ll do no good if they can’t keep a kid’s attention, and like adults, children absolutely deserve to have some really great stories they can simply enjoy again and again. Though if I do have a favorite agenda to push, it’s to expand perspectives and encourage curiosity about the whole world, on scales big and small.

RVC: Describe a typical workday for you.

KT: Usually, a lot of emailing and meetings—I’m in constant communication with Page Street coworkers, authors, agents, and more. I’m also pretty consistently reading newsletters and reviews and doing research to try to keep up with kids book trends and the publishing industry as a whole. Other than that, each day holds some amount of editing manuscripts, proofreading text and reviewing art, looking at submissions, copywriting, browsing a pitch event or kidlit illustrator hashtag on Twitter, and plenty of other miscellaneous tasks. Sprinkle in some tea, snacks, and music throughout the day, plus a walk in the middle.

RVC: What’s the most important thing prospective Page Street authors should know about you?

KT: I want to be a team! I am here to listen and suggest and collaborate—even after I’ve had my hands all over it, I want the text to always feel like it’s wholly yours, or ideally even more like it’s yours, as we should be trying to make it stronger and bring out its essence together. I might put my foot down about things that aren’t working, but I’m always flexible on how those things can be fixed. Also, if I offer to acquire your book, know that I really, really love it and believe in it, and I will champion it to anyone and everyone in my immediate vicinity.

RVC: The worry writers have over Art Notes. Totally overblown, totally appropriate, or totally something they need to lose sleep over?

KT: Definitely nothing to lose sleep over! I think they’re most appropriate when either a) any part of the text might be confusing without them, or b) you have an art idea that’s so good you just have to throw it out there.

Think of them as a tool in your arsenal—they’re just there to help you communicate with your preliminary readers and the illustrator, and they can definitely be phrased more as suggestions than directives (which is my personal preference, since I think it’s wise to leave plenty of creative space for the illustrator!). The best part about art notes is that no one is going to see them in the final book, so they merely have to be comprehensible, not super carefully crafted like the rest of your writing.

RVC: Tell me about a project or accomplishment that you consider to be the most significant in your kidlit industry career.

KT: I feel most proud and accomplished any time I get to hold a real, finished book I acquired and edited for the first time. Making a picture book is a long, hard process, and every single one feels like a huge victory. Maybe that feels like a cop-​out answer, but this is a tough question, and it’s true! If you want a funnier answer, a recent personal high was proposing a title for a picture book sequel inspired by 2 Fast 2 Furious and expecting everyone to laugh and move on, but, uh, look out for Pirate & Penguin: 2 Few Crew by Mike Allegra and Jenn Harney! (After the first Pirate & Penguin releases, of course.)

RVC: Just wow. That sounds awesome.

KT: Agree!

RVC: How do you handle pressure at work? What do you do to de-stress?

KT: Whenever I feel my focus starting to slip or my anxiety starting to spike, I let myself take a little break—it’s going to be worse for everyone if I keep working and it’s not my best work. My kind of mantra whenever I’m having a really stressful time is “Nobody dies in publishing,” and that little reminder always helps me either muster up the strength to push on or assuage the guilt about taking my necessary pauses. Walking helps me immensely, especially if I go outside, or making a cup of tea, or reading a little bit of a non-​work book.

RVC: You seem to have an especially active presence on Manuscript Wish List. Why don’t more editors or agents use it?

KT: I don’t know, I think they should! It’s a super useful tool that ultimately saves a lot of time, because agents and writers are always asking me, “What are you looking for?” and I can immediately send them a link to a detailed list. I try to stay especially on top of it because I don’t really have a lot of time for agent calls, so I hope keeping this list updated, detailed, and easy to find helps make up for my very limited availability.

RVC: One last question for this part of the interview. What’s an upcoming project or two that you’re really excited about?

KT: One at the top of my mind right now is Kadooboo!: A Silly South Indian Folktale by Shruthi Rao and Darshika Varma, because we just looked at revised sketches and some potential covers for it and ohmygosh it’s so much fun. It’s basically a game of telephone, an adventure all across town, and a hearty recommendation for South Indian food all rolled into one. We’ll have to wait until Winter 2024 for that one, so coming up much sooner (this November 1st!) is Mending the Moon by Emma Pearl and Sara Ugolotti, which has such a lovely, classic storytelling feel and a really cool fantastical scenario, with the moon falling to Earth and shattering and a girl, her grandfather, and some animals working together to fix it.

RVC: Alrighty, Kayla. We’re entering…THE SPEED ROUND! The point values are quintupled, and zippiness is at a premium. Are you ready?

KT: Oh boy, I guess!

RVC: If you could only have one app on your phone, it’d be…

KT: AllTrails.

RVC: If “Spider-​Man” is the answer, what’s the question?

KT: Who’s the only superhero you’ve seen all the movies for?

RVC: You’re organizing a kidlit dinner party. Which three characters from pictures books do you invite?

KT: Pokko from Pokko and the Drum by Matthew Forsythe, Lilly from Lilly’s Purple Plastic Purse by Kevin Henkes, and Payden from Payden’s Pronoun Party by Blue Jaryn and Xochitl Cornejo. (This will truly be a party.)

RVC: Five words that describe your editorial process.

KT: Consider, suggest, listen, try again.

RVC: What’s a picture book from 2022 that really got your attention?

KT: I already mentioned a Matthew Forsythe book, but I gotta say Mina. The humor, art, and unexpected direction are all so, so good.

RVC: Let’s end with a single line from a picture book you acquired.

KT: “If Mimi hears one more Chinese ghost proverb, she will shriek. And not for extra credit.” (Just one of many excellent ghost jokes from So Not Ghoul by Karen Yin and Bonnie Lui.)

RVC: Love it. Thanks so much, Kayla!

Editor Interview: Frances Gilbert (Doubleday Books for Young Readers/​Random House Children’s Books)

This month’s Industry Insider is Frances Gilbert, Editor-​in-​Chief at Doubleday Books for Young Readers/​Random House Children’s Books. In addition to editing some of the top picture book writers working today, she also authored the picture books Go, Girls, Go! and Too Much Slime!, as well as numerous Step Into Reading titles and an abridgment of The Secret Garden. Among other things, Frances is well known for offering clear, supportive writing advice on social media and at writing conferences.

Let’s get to the interview to hear some of that wisdom ourselves firsthand!

Frances’ Twitter

RVC: At what point did you realize you were absolutely going to work in publishing? 

FG: I grew up in a blue collar family in a blue collar town where people didn’t have jobs like the one I have now. When I got to University of Toronto, I was surrounded by élite students whose parents had jobs I didn’t even know existed.

One friend’s mother was a sales rep at a big publisher. I asked if I could visit her office and as soon as I saw the stacks of books in everyone’s cubicles, I decided it was the place for me. She actually tried to talk me out of it! I think she was pretty burnt out. But in my head I kept thinking, “Nope, nope. This is what I’m going to do.”

RVC: What happened next?

FG: A couple of lucky breaks. A friend noticed a posting on a job board at University of Toronto while I was finishing my Master’s degree in English. It was for a Book Club Editor at Scholastic Canada. I knew I wanted to work in publishing but had my sights set on literary fiction. I applied anyway and was hired by the brilliant and wonderful Iole Lucchese, who thankfully read to page two of my resume and saw that I’d worked in the children’s department of my town library for four years in high school. She saw potential that I’d completely missed. Within days of starting, I knew I wanted a career in children’s books.

RVC: What kind of duties does a Book Club editor have? 

FG: A Book Club Editor manages the monthly book club—those flyers we all ordered from as kids. My responsibility was to select and purchase the Canadian content for each list, in addition to writing the copy and hitting monthly financial targets, so I was essentially a book buyer with a large business to manage and account for. I met with every Canadian publisher a few times a year and liaised with my counterpart in the New York office. Looking back, I still can’t believe they gave me such a big job. It allowed me to leap over assistant and associate positions and start right in the deep end. I was so lucky.

RVC: This might seem like a silly question, but I know people are wondering. Were books being published by Scholastic Canada solely for the Canadian marketplace? 

FG: Like any publisher, Scholastic Canada publishes primarily for their own country first, the Canadian marketplace, but not exclusively. Every publisher also has an international sales and foreign rights team who both sell English language copies around the world and license the rights to foreign translations.

RVC: How much French did you pick up while there?

FG: I lived in Canada from age five till I was thirty and took French in school through my second year of university, so I can get around in French at a schoolgirl level.

RVC: Très cool! Now, what are your thoughts on the Tim Hortons Double Double?

FG: I picked up a Tim Hortons Double Double each morning on my way to work. I still hit one up as soon as I land in Canada. Not Double Double anymore, but it’s still my favorite coffee.

RVC: Before getting to Doubleday where you’re at now, you spent a good bit of time working at Sterling (for those of you who don’t know, it’s owned by Barnes & Noble).

FG: Sterling was family-​owned when I was hired. I knew them as one of my suppliers for Book Clubs and Book Fairs. I bought books from them. The owner wanted to start a children’s editorial division and asked if I was interested in moving to New York to set one up. I was twenty-​nine when I got the offer, and had never actually edited a book, as my position was as a buyer and product manager.

RVC: What were some of the highlights of working at Sterling?

FG: Looking back, Sterling’s family-​owned, maverick spirit was certainly a highlight. They were nimble and independent and could take chances. When I protested during my interview that I had no editorial experience, they said, “You’ll learn!” And I did! I’ve often described those early years as “I’ve got a barn, let’s put on a show.” I was teaching myself a lot of stuff on the spot, but I had their full support to find my place. I’ll always be grateful to the former Sterling owners and executives for what they did for me. We had a large and very profitable children’s business when I left twelve years later.

RVC: How is working for Doubleday (a Big 5 publisher) different than what you experienced at your previous editorial jobs?

FG: The feeling of coming to Random House was definitely that of arriving at the Mother Ship. It’s impossible not to be impressed by basically everything–the resources, the systems, the offices, the history, the authors, the backlist, the bestsellers, the brilliant and in many cases legendary staff. But in some ways, my job was very similar to the one I left. Doubleday Books for Young Readers hadn’t published anything for a number of years when Chip Gibson, then the President of Random House Children’s Books, asked me to come over and see what I could do with it. Just like when I started at Sterling, I had to build a business from the ground up, so that was a task I was really comfortable with at that point.

RVC: Let’s help some of the aspiring writers out there. What’s a common misconception about kidlit editors?

FG: I know our industry can feel opaque when you’re trying to break in. One thing I always let people know is that we’re always earnestly trying to find exciting new works. I think people have the idea that we enjoy rejecting things, when in truth it’s the opposite. We’re always avidly trying to find great writing. We don’t enjoy saying “No” as often as we must. “Yes” is always more exciting.

RVC: What kind of things are you most looking for with picture book submissions?

FG: I’m always looking for that intangible thrill you get when you read something and it grabs you, either because it’s incredibly unique or stunningly beautiful or blistering funny. It’s hard to quantify but I know it when I see it. One thing none of us are looking for is formulaic writing. I do worry that picture book manuscripts fall into this category too often. I’m not looking for anything that simply ticks a lot of boxes that someone has heard in a seminar. That’s not how it works.

RVC: One more question for aspiring writers—what are your feelings on art notes? 

FG: If I don’t know what you envision happening in the book without art notes, then give me art notes. It’s that simple. I don’t understand why people worry about them so much.

RVC: In November 2019, you tweeted, “Gulp, so I’m a published book author.” How did your debut picture book Go, Girls, Go! come about?

FG: I actually wrote Go, Girls, Go! as a sort of practice piece. I was thinking about how most cars and trucks books have male characters behind the wheel and wondered what one would look like if we featured girls instead. I wrote it quickly and then put it away for a couple of years, never meaning to have it published. But I kept stumbling across it and finally shared it with a handful of editors. Andrea Welch at Beach Lane /​ Simon & Schuster clicked with it and made me an offer, and I ran about my apartment screaming. The feeling was as if I’d never set foot in the industry before. It was such a thrill.

RVC: What was the most important lesson you learned thanks to that book?

FG: I learned how important it is for authors to roll up their sleeves and really hustle for their books. It became like a second job to me in the evenings, writing to people, begging for favors, posting online. Now that I’ve done it myself, I feel even more emboldened in expecting it of the authors I work with.

RVC: How do your various identities—editor and author—inform each other?

FG: Certainly as an editor I can already envision how a manuscript I’m writing will fit into a publisher’s program—how it will be pitched at list launch, how it will be positioned within the larger list of books, what kind of marketing hooks the sales, marketing, and publicity team can use to help them sell and promote the book. Basically, all the things I think about when I’m acquiring, I also think about when I’m pitching one of my own manuscripts.

RVC: You’ve gone on to publish more picture books. Which one has the most unusual path to publication story?

FG: I have a new picture book coming out with Beach Lane /​ Simon & Schuster next spring. I wrote it during the first summer of the pandemic after receiving an email from an environmental group in my neighborhood. The subject line of the email sparked an idea and I immediately went out on my deck and wrote Can You Hug a Forest? I felt like I knew the entire manuscript in that one second; it just landed in my head and there it was. One moment you’re not thinking about writing something, the next moment you have an entirely new manuscript to share with your editor.

RVC: Do reviews hit you differently as a writer versus an editor?

FG: I’m thick-​skinned as both an author and an editor and can easily read a negative review and think, “Well, you didn’t understand what I was trying to do, and that’s too bad for you that you’re missing out on something really nice.”

RVC: In all of your experience as a picture book author, what has surprised you the most?

FG: How much I love doing it! I was an editor for close to twenty-​five years before it even occurred to me to write something. I can’t explain why; it just never crossed my mind. Being a writer has opened up a whole new part of my imagination.

RVC: What’s next for you as a picture book author? 

FG: Outside of Can You Hug a Forest?, which comes out next May, I don’t have a new manuscript in the works. I have to get on it!

RVC: Here’s one last question for this part of the interview. Who sets the standard for picture book rhyming?

FG: John Robert Allman, author of A Is for Audra and B Is for Broadway on my list at Doubleday. He uses rhyme so smartly to add sass and humor. It’s brilliantly inventive, like he’s landing a quadruple axel in each line.

RVC: Alright, Frances. Now it’s time for THE SPEED ROUND. Boomy-​zoomy question followed by zappy-​cracky answers, please. Are you ready?

FG: Hit me.

RVC: What would you most want—personal chef, maid, or a masseuse?

FG: Paul Hollywood baking in my kitchen all day.

RVC: What makes you roll your eyes every time you hear/​see it?

FG: The phrase “cancel culture.”

Samuel West, who indeed has a mellifluent voice!

RVC: If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?

FG: The actor Samuel West, who has the most perfect voice on the planet.

RVC: What’s your editing superpower?

FG: I make really quick decisions. I know what I like the second I see it.

RVC: What’s a picture book you;ve edited that’s more awesome than the world realizes?

FG: Philip Stead’s I’d Like to Be the Window for a Wise Old Dog is an absolute masterpiece. Everyone who reads it will see I’m right. I don’t think it gets any better than this.

RVC: Your picture book philosophy in five words or fewer?

FG: “Grab me from line one.”

RVC: Thanks so much, Frances! This has been delightful. 

FG: Thank you for your great questions!

Editor Interview: Catherine Laudone (Paula Wiseman Books)

This month’s Industry Insider Interview is with Catherine Laudone, a children’s book editor at Paula Wiseman Books. Prior to joining Simon & Schuster in 2013, she graduated with a BFA in Writing, Literature, and Publishing from Emerson College and completed several internships at children’s publishing houses and literary agencies, including HarperCollins and Sourcebooks. She is also currently pursuing her MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults at Vermont College of Fine Arts.

Over the last nine years, she’s edited picture books, middle grade, and young adult novels in a wide range of genres. Her authors’ titles have been New York Times bestsellers, Junior Library Guild selections, Indies New Voices and Indies Kids’ Next Pick selections. They have also been chosen for state reading and award longlists, and received starred reviews.

When Catherine isn’t editing, writing, or reading, she likes to throw pottery, crochet, bake, play tennis, and watch Gilmore Girls reruns. And, quite reasonably, she’s a devout fan of all things chocolate.

Let’s get to the interview so we can learn more!

RVC: What aspect/​part of you today gives away where you’re from and how you were raised?

CL: Growing up on Long Island, I was very close to my extended family—especially my Nana and cousins. My immediate family moved to New Jersey when I was in seventh grade, but we maintained those close relationships over the years. So, my love of stories centered on family and intergenerational relationships reflects my upbringing.

RVC: What influence did your family have on your love for stories?

CL: Growing up, every week my mom took my brothers and I to the library. We even had a designated “library bag” that we would load up with books. And both my parents would read to us every night before bed, fostering a love of stories and books that continues today.

RVC: That’s such a familiar story with agents and editors–I love it. Now, when you chose to attend Emerson College’s BFA program, were you planning to become a full-​time writer and editor?

CL: Yes, going into college I knew I wanted to write and edit children’s books. So, I chose Emerson’s program because it had the best of both worlds—writing and publishing within one degree.

RVC: What lesson from your time at Emerson do you find most useful today?

CL: Emerson College is where I learned to “speed read” and read multiple books at a time. These skills have been helpful, as I often have to multitask and work on many different projects daily as an editor.

RVC: Care to share a tip on how to speed read?

CL:  Speed reading is a fancy word for skimming. Sometimes when another colleague shares a longer novel for second reads, I skim or “speed read” several chapters to get a sense of voice and the story’s overall direction. Practice is the best tip I can give for learning to speed read or skim.

RVC: How did you land internships in publishing? And how valuable were those in terms of getting a full-​time job as an editor?

CL: I looked up internships online on my own, applied, and interviewed for them. I was fortunate that my parents lived about an hour outside of New York City, so I was able to live at home and intern in the city during the summers, between college semesters. I did a few internships in Boston during my semesters as well. Those internships gave me real-​world experience in the children’s publishing industry and helped when it came time for me to apply for entry level editorial jobs in children’s publishing.

RVC: I’m always interested in imprints named after someone because they feel so specific and distinct. Now, I have my own answer here, but I’m curious—in your mind, what makes a Paula Wiseman book a Paula Wiseman book?

CL: A Paula Wiseman book celebrates the joy of being a child—the excitement and magic of new experiences, learning, and building relationships. And a Paula Wiseman book reflects the wonderfully diverse world that we all live in.

RVC: What’s the story behind the first picture book you acquired?

CL: Some graduating seniors from RISD [Rhode Island School of Design] came into the office one day for a portfolio review. I stopped to flip through the portfolio of a talented young woman named Hanna Cha. There was a stunning color sketch of a girl riding on a huge tiger’s back. I asked “Is there a story that goes with this art?” Hanna explained that she had a partial rough dummy that she’d done for school but the story itself was unfinished. I asked her to send it to me and from there we worked on the story together until it was ready to share at my editorial staff meeting. I was given the greenlight to acquire it and that story became Tiny Feet Between the Mountains.

RVC: If you had to summarize the most important lesson you learned over the start-​to-​finish process of that book getting published, what would it be?

CL: I learned that there is no “formula” for editing picture books. I had shadow-​edited other picture books with my supervisor prior to acquiring this one, but parts of his process didn’t naturally fit into how Hanna and I worked together. So, I adapted his process based on what worked for us and figured out the rest as I went. It was Hanna’s debut picture book as well, so it was nice to experience the learning curve together. That’s what makes editing picture books—or any book for that matter—so much fun. Each story is a unique puzzle waiting to be pieced together.

RVC: Describe a typical workday as an Editor at Paula Wiseman Books.

CL: Things have changed since the pandemic. I used to start my day with a long commute and lots of in-​person interactions, but now I work from home and Zoom with colleagues. But the job has remained the same. On a typical day, I am providing feedback on interiors of a picture book, editing a novel, giving my thoughts on a jacket design and art, writing catalog copy, sending requested materials to our Sales or Publicity teams, answering agents’ and authors’ questions via email, and attending meetings and acquiring books.

It’s a fast-​paced, hands-​in-​every-​cookie-​jar kind of job and that’s what I love about it. I’m never bored.

RVC: How much time do you have these days to read for pleasure?

CL: For a few years I fell behind on reading for pleasure—when you’re reading all day for work, sometimes it’s the last thing you want to do when you’re off the clock. But starting my MFA program at Vermont College of Fine Arts a year and a half ago made me get back into reading. I read a minimum of 50 children’s books per semester and annotate/​write critical essays on some of them.

RVC: Wow!

CL: Today, I make time to read for pleasure (and for school), and I go to the library once a week to check out picture books and graphic novels. Although I will admit that I consume novels mostly in the audiobook format these days. It’s easier to listen while doing the dishes, making dinner, or driving somewhere than it is to find time to sit down and read a physical copy.

RVC: No shame there–I do the same, which helps me justify having a commute. Please tell me about a time when things didn’t go the way you wanted. 

CL: There have been times when I gave notes and asked an author to do a revision and resubmit, in the hopes that I could bring the revision to my staff meeting and get the greenlight to take it to acquisitions. But sometimes those projects I’ve given notes on just don’t pan out and I have to pass. It’s disappointing in those cases but I always hope that my notes helped the author make the story a little stronger and that they will find the right home for their project, even if it’s not with me.

RVC: What’s one of your favorite success stories as an editor?

CL: That’s easy—Share Some Kindness, Bring Some Light, Apryl Stott’s New York Times bestselling debut picture book is one of my favorite success stories. When we used to be in the office, I would sometimes get postcards from illustrators advertising their work. One day I received one from Apryl, showing a little girl and a bear in the wintry woods. The bear wore a Santa Lucia wreath and red scarf. I was so charmed by the art that I cold-​emailed Apryl’s agent and asked if she had a story for these two adorable characters.

From there, Apryl and I spent months working on the story together and I went on to acquire it. Fast-​forward to when the book comes out during the height of the pandemic in 2020, and Barnes & Noble picks it for a holiday promotion! Then the Library of Congress picks the story for their National Holiday Read-​Aloud! With all this love for Apryl, the book hits the New York Times bestseller list for a few consecutive weeks. It was a major milestone for both me and Apryl and a true homegrown author-​illustrator success story.

RVC: What do you think of the state of kidlit right now?

CL: I think the kidlit landscape is in a state of evolution. Sure, there are some growing pains that come with that, but I’m encouraged to see so many new voices emerging and telling the stories of underrepresented groups of children and teens.

RVC: Your debut picture book—She Kept Dancing: The True Story of a Professional Dancer with a Limb Difference—comes out from Macmillan in fall 2023. Congrats on becoming an author!

CL: Thank you so much!

RVC: She Kept Dancing is co-​authored. What’s the story behind how this book and your writing partnership came to be?

CL: I have always loved watching the Radio City Rockettes at the Radio City Christmas Spectacular and on TV during the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade. So, I was intrigued when I saw an online article about Sydney Mesher, the first Radio City Rockette with a visible disability. I instantly read it and was so inspired by Sydney’s story. My first thought was “wow, this would make an incredible picture book.” I cold-​emailed Sydney and her two agencies, asking if she’d be interested in discussing the possibility of a picture book. I was delighted when Sydney herself responded and said she was interested. I started interviewing Sydney and the story of her career and her levels of determination and perseverance were incredible. I assumed I would hire a cowriter to help tell the story and I would be the editor of the book.

Things came to a halt when we went into COVID lockdown and the initial proposal wasn’t approved by the Radio City Rockettes. But I couldn’t get Sydney’s story out of my mind—and the more I thought about it, the more I wanted to be the one to help write and tell her story. I reached out again and Sydney and I reconnected. I asked if Sydney would be open to coauthoring the book with me and she agreed. Then we came up with an entirely new angle for her story and that’s the version that wound up finding a home with Emily Settle at Macmillan. I am incredibly grateful to have Sydney as my coauthor and Natelle Quek as our illustrator—it’s been a fantastic collaboration all around.

RVC: How is the process different for an established editor like yourself in terms of submitting a picture book manuscript?

CL: It’s actually not different for me at all! I still have my literary agent submit a picture book manuscript to editors on my behalf. I have to wait for their feedback and receive rejections and requests for revise and resubmits the same as anyone else.

RVC: How has the process (so far!) with She Kept Dancing informed your work as an editor? 

CL: While working on She Kept Dancing, I really had to be sensitive and thoughtful about how I portrayed Sydney as a disabled individual—I had to make sure to capture who she was as a person apart from her disability, while also still make sure that her limb difference and her challenges were portrayed accurately. And I had to put myself in her shoes emotionally and mentally to make sure her character arc was genuine and compelling. As an editor, I look for the same level of care and sensitivity at the craft level when reviewing submissions, especially those featuring disabled characters.

RVC: What’s the most interesting thing about Sydney Mesher that didn’t make it into the book?

CL: I think we managed to get everything in there, actually! So, you’ll have to read the book and decide for yourself what is the most interesting fact about Sydney.

RVC: You’re currently pursuing an MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults at Vermont College of Fine Arts. You’ve already got a successful career in the industry, so do you find it a little weird?

CL: Not really, because they are two separate careers within the same industry. Yes, there is some overlap when it comes to application of craft. But when I’m an editor, I’m helping another author or illustrator tell the best story they can and make their dreams a reality. When I’m an author, I’m telling my own stories and going after my own writing dreams. I chose to pursue my MFA in Writing for Children and Young Adults to take my own writing to the next level. Being able to apply what I’ve learned to my editor career is an added bonus.

RVC: How many times has a classmate (or a teacher?) pitched you an idea for Paula Wiseman Books?

CL: I’m pleased to say that this has never happened. Sure, sometimes a classmate or advisor might ask my opinion on something publishing-​related if they know I’m an editor. But they never pitch their own books to me. That’s what I love about VCFA—in the program I’m just another fellow writer and student who is there to learn and grow. And people are very respectful of that boundary.

RVC: Editor, author, consultant, freelancer, student. How do your various roles feed each other?

CL: All my roles feed each other in an endless cycle of creativity and critical thinking. I have to be creative in coming up with my own stories and offering feedback on authors’ and illustrators’ stories. And I think critically to find craft-​based solutions and ask the right questions that help both myself and my authors and illustrators best execute those stories.

RVC: You sound busy! What do you do to de-stress?

CL: Going to the gym or for a walk helps a lot. And I like to refill my creative well by learning new things. During the last two years I learned how to throw pottery, but lately I’ve gotten back into crocheting and trying new, harder patterns. Spending time with family and friends is also a great way to de-stress.

RVC: One last question for this part of the interview. What upcoming projects are you most excited about?

CL: As an author, I’m of course excited about She Kept Dancing. And I have a few other works-​in-​progress that I’m excited about but can’t share at the moment. As an editor, I am very excited about some new books that my authors and illustrators have coming out:

RVC: Okay, Catherine. It’s time for the LIGHTNING ROUND. Zippy questions and zoomy answers, please. Are you ready?

CL: Bring it on!

RVC: Gilmore Girls…great TV show or the greatest TV show?

CL: Great TV show—it’s a classic but it does have its flaws.

RVC: Most underappreciated Gilmore Girls character?

CL: That’s a tie between Kirk and Lane! Kirk is great comedic relief, and Lane is the BFF that Rory never deserved or truly appreciated, I think.

RVC: Favorite recipe from (or inspired by) the show?

CL: I own the Gilmore Girls recipe books! So, I have to say Sookie’s blueberry lemon shortcake was delicious!

RVC: What’s your most important good habit/​routine as an editor?

CL: Never answering work emails on the weekend. It’s a good habit, to help keep a healthy balance between my professional and personal life.

RVC: A favorite picture book of 2021 that you didn’t edit?

CL: What Isabella Wanted: Isabella Stewart Gardner Builds a Museum by Candace Fleming and illustrated by Matt Cordell.

RVC: Your picture book philosophy in five words or fewer?

CL: It needs an emotional hook.

RVC: Thanks so much, Catherine.

CL: Thank you for this opportunity!

Editor Interview: Allison Cohen (Running Press Kids)

Welcome to Allison Cohen, who is the subject of this month’s Industry Insider interview at OPB. Since 2018, she’s been an editor at Running Press Kids (an imprint of Hachette Book Group), but for eight years prior to that, she served as a literary agent at The Gersh Agency. Before that, she worked almost two years as an assistant at a different literary agency (The Gernert Company).

Allison got herself on my radar via being so prominent on the recent Dealmakers List at Publishers Marketplace—anyone making as many deals as she’s making has my attention for sure!

Allison keeps a pretty low online profile, so instead of me making things up or sharing summer internship information (for example, she worked at Gemstar/​TV Guide for 5 months a long, long time ago), let’s jump ahead to the interview to see what we can discover together!

RVC: Congratulations on having the second-​smallest digital footprint of anyone I’ve interviewed here. Is that on purpose or did it just happen that way?

AC: Hahaha! I wear that as a badge of honor. To be honest, I have a love-​hate relationship with social media. I think it can be a wonderful place to connect and support a shared love of all things—books, music, food, travel, (insert personal interests here), but a few years ago, I realized I needed to take myself offline to protect my mental health. It can be a very toxic place, too, and so I’ve been happy to (mostly) let it go.

RVC: I hear you there! Other than my blog, I stay pretty low-​key, as well. Now, let’s go back to the start of things for you. Where’d you grow up?

AC: Just outside northeast Philly.

RVC: Describe the path that led from there to where you are now, working in NYC as an editor for a kidlit imprint at one of the Big 5 publishers.

AC: I come from a long line of educators (both my parents were teachers, as was my sister, aunts/​uncles, etc.), and so I always assumed I would be a high school English teacher when I grew up. In college, I realized my interests extended beyond teaching, and I thought about other opportunities I could pursue as an English Lit major. I thought about what I loved most (spoiler alert: books/​reading), and had a moment where I was like, hmm…maybe I do the “teaching thing” later in life and find something in the immediate that lets me surround myself with books for a few years before I change gears. I didn’t really know where to start, so I applied to a job at TV Guide, hoping to work with their magazine (dating myself here). Let’s just say it wasn’t exactly what I’d imagined it would be.

Skip ahead to when an amazing friend of mine was telling me about her job in sales at Random House and how she thought I should consider moving to NYC and getting a job in “real” publishing. She sold me. My first job at a Big 5 was as the assistant to Madeline McIntosh when she led the audio group. She was an incredible mentor and really helped me figure out what I wanted to do. We were talking over lunch one day, and I started talking about all these editors I admired and how I wanted to be like them. She asked me what, specifically, I liked about what these editors did. After I told her, she casually asked if I’d ever thought about being an agent. I hadn’t. At the time, I thought of agents in the abstract. They were the people who sent publishers submissions, and then we took it from there. She set up some informal meetings for me to talk with agent friends she knew so I could hear more about their day-​to-​day, and I was hooked. I wanted to be the person on the very front lines. Finding the author, helping them shape their work, finding them a home with a publisher, championing them every step of the way, having these lifelong connections.

So, when the opportunity presented itself, I took a job as an assistant to two agents. I learned a lot about what really goes into creating a book—what it takes to find and grow authors, sell books, etc. I eventually wound up as Phyllis Wender’s assistant at Gersh. I’ve never met anyone like Phyllis. Her career path is incredible. There’s nothing she hasn’t done. She is also one of the most passionate, dedicated, generous, loving people I’ve ever met. To this day, she is an unbelievable mentor. She helped me build my list and become an agent in my own right. I am forever indebted to her and could write a book about all she’s taught me—personally and professionally. After eight years at Gersh, however, an opportunity presented itself and…well, RP Kids became my home!

RVC: All the time, I see editors moving into the field of agenting. You did that, but then you boomeranged back to editing. That’s really quite rare.

AC: I loved being an agent. I loved working with writers across genres—children’s and adult, fiction and non-​fiction, etc. And the relationships I built with my authors were unbelievably special. But the 247 hustle was a lot. You’re not just an agent—you’re an editor, an accountant, a lawyer, a therapist, etc. I often found myself pulled away from some of what I loved best about the job—working with authors on developing their manuscripts. Don’t get me wrong, being an editor requires hustle—nights and weekends reading and editing—but it’s a different kind. I had been talking to an editor friend of mine about life and maybe making a change but not really knowing what that change was.

That same week, I saw the opening at Running Press Kids. It felt like the universe was sending me a sign. I REALLY struggled with leaving behind my authors, but I knew the relationships with the ones who really mattered would continue (they have), and I told myself that if the whole editing “thing” didn’t work out, I could always come back to agenting. I knew how to do it. I loved it. I could come back.

I started at Running Press and I loved it. Present tense. I love it. I love the people. The entire team—we’re a family. I love our authors. I love our list. It’s relit a creative fire I didn’t realize I’d been missing. Four years later, I can’t imagine doing anything else.

RVC: For those that don’t know Running Press Kids that well, say a few words about what makes it different than other imprints and presses.

AC: We are small but mighty. And we approach every book as a collaboration. We trust each other and really value opinions on everything from cover to copy. And I think the collective passion of our team is why our books look the way they do and find the readers they do. Because we’re all working towards the same goal of instilling a lifelong love of reading into the readers who find our books.

RVC: What was the first picture book you acquired?

AC: Alpaca Pati’s Fancy Fleece by Tracey Kyle.

RVC: What was the best lesson that came out of that book?

AC: It was a crash course in how to manage all the moving parts of producing a picture book. From finding an illustrator to managing schedules of deliverables. I learned just how collaborative the process is—not just between the author and illustrator, but across all the different departments—editorial, design, managing ed, production, marketing/​publicity, sales. There is SO much that goes into making these books happen. They don’t just appear on shelves at stores. Ha!

RVC: It seems like you have a particular interest in nonfiction picture books. Is that fair?

AC: Ooh, I don’t know…maybe in the beginning? I love books that teach kids about the world without being overly didactic. At RPK, we pride ourselves on publishing beautiful books that educate while they entertain. That said, several of my more recent acquisitions have been fiction, and it’s because I need that balance. Fiction offers opportunities to celebrate life and nature and can teach kids how to be better people, all through the power of story.

RVC: Let’s help out those writers and agents who read OPB. What kinds of things are you looking for?

AC: Hmm…this is hard because sometimes I don’t realize I’m looking for something until it hits my desk. That is such a non-​answer, I know. I will say that I have been having a lot of fun with our mystical/​magical books. With picture books I take on, I’m mostly looking for projects in the mindfulness, conservation/​nature, and social justice space.

RVC: What kinds of things are you NOT looking for?

AC: Rhyming picture books! Okay, to be fair, there is always an exception to this. BUT it often seems writers think picture books have to be written in rhyme, and then they try to force this rhyme scheme that doesn’t feel natural and the book falls apart a little.

On a more general note, I’m not looking for sci-​fi/​fantasy or chapter books.

RVC: I’m curious about what you do in a day-​to-​day work sense.

AC: Day-to-day…it really depends on what kinds of meetings we have. First thing, every morning, I check my email to make sure there aren’t any “fires” that developed overnight. Then I look at the day and block out times to deal with all the things. I used to try and get to every email in real-​time, but it’s a losing battle. So, now I just create blocks on the calendar to tend to everything. I work on pitches/​proposals for our internal editorial meetings (including comp research). I run P&Ls for potential acquisitions. I review passes and proofs of our books in production, style manuscripts for transmittal, work on cover copy, draft fact sheets for sales/​marketing. This all happens in between various meetings—cover meetings (love reviewing covers of our books), illustrator meetings (reviewing portfolios for potential projects), editorial meetings, calls with agents, editorial calls with authors, etc.

Mind you, I try to check my email every half hour or hour, depending on what the day is like. The hardest part, honestly, is just trying to keep things moving and being able to pivot when something major needs to be addressed.

RVC: What’s the most common misconception that people have about editors?

AC: That we spend our days reading and editing manuscripts. If only! The days are spent drafting copy, running P&Ls, reviewing proofs, preparing titles for launch and sales conference. Pretending I don’t have 221 emails in my inbox…(see above answer—hahaha!)

RVC: If you had to summarize the most important thing you’ve learned about being an editor, what would it be?

AC: To be flexible. Sometimes, you have to reimagine a book—sometimes it’s the trim size or page count. Sometimes it’s the art because an illustrator you wanted isn’t available. Sometimes a book’s on-​sale date has to move out—it can be a month or two, or sometimes it’s to a different season. There are a multitude of reasons things change over the course of a book’s production, and much is out of your control, so you just have to roll with it. Remind yourself it’s all part of the process of making sure the book is the best version of itself.  

RVC: What’s one thing that a lot of people just don’t quite understand about picture books?

AC: There is SO much that has to come together to make a book. That’s why schedules can be so long. It takes a lot to create synergy between the text and illustrations—you have the manuscript, then you find the right illustrator, then you get the sketches (almost always adjustments are made), then you see the color art (more adjustments are made). You’re getting together materials to share with sales so they can sell in to their accounts. You’re building marketing/​publicity plans to launch the book into the world. All this is happening while the managing ed and production teams are doing their best to make sure the books are printed, shipped, etc. There are so many hands that touch a book. It takes time. It’s a lot of work, but then you get the advance copy, hold it in your hands and think, THIS IS WHY. It is incredible when everything works out.

RVC: Since COVID has clearly affected all of us, I’m making an extra effort to ask a mental health question in every interview now. Here’s yours: what do you do to de-stress?

AC: I go outside. I feel so much better surrounded by nature. I go for runs or hikes. I just need to get out and get moving.

RVC: And here’s a follow-​up mental health question. What do you do to defeat negativity—internally or from the outside world?

AC: That’s a great question. It’s something I’m really working on, so I’m not sure I have an answer. I will say I have some really amazing friends and family that are always at the ready to offer support and keep me in check. So, when I’m really feeling down about something, I just reach out to the people I love and know they will come back with either a virtual hug or send a ridiculous meme to distract me.

Sounds cheesy, but it’s the best I can think of for now.

RVC: One last question for this part of the interview. What forthcoming projects do you want to brag about?

AC: There are so many!! Honestly, I look at our list and just think, WOW, we make beautiful books that demand conversation (and attention). Natasha Deen was the very first author I worked with at RP Kids, and her next book with us, The Signs and Wonders of Tuna Rashad (YA fiction) pubs this summer. The second book from Lil Miss Hot Mess, If You’re a Drag Queen and You Know It, comes out this summer. I didn’t work on this, but it’s just such a fun book, and the cover is incredible—a true feast for the eyes!

We have an awesome Junior Handbook series, and the third book is publishing this Fall—The Junior Tarot Reader’s Handbook. In a similar “mystical” vein, we have Astrology for Black Girls this summer. We have two picture books that reteam the author/​illustrator, that are so much fun—Peculiar Primates and Battle of the Brains coming this Fall.

I could seriously go on and on. Is there room to brag about all of our books? Because that’s how I feel about our list.

RVC: Alrighty, Allison. It’s time for the Big Moment. It’s…THE LIGHTNING ROUND! The point values are quintupled, and the stakes have never been higher. We’ve got the countdown clock ready because we’re looking to handle six questions and answers in sixty seconds. Are you ready?

AC: [Stretches arms. Closes eyes and takes a deep breath…] 

RVC: If you could only have one app on your phone, it’d be…

AC: My music app. I LOVE music and have all sorts of playlists depending on my mood or what I’m doing—editing, running, cooking, etc. Wait, is that considered an app? If not, then I guess my Notes app because I use it all the time when I have an idea for a book or need to create lists or to-​dos. My brain is so overloaded that I can’t remember anything without writing it down.

RVC: Would you rather have a personal chef, a personal trainer, or a maid?

AC: Ryan! Oh, gosh…ummm…personal chef? I actually find cleaning therapeutic. I do like cooking, but I don’t always have the time or resources. But, man, a personal trainer would be pretty cool, too.

Chef. I’m going to stick with personal chef! Final answer!

RVC: If someone narrated your life, who would you want to be the narrator?

AC: Jennifer Garner. She’s the first person that popped into my head. I don’t know why. Maybe because she’s amazing?

RVC: Five words (or fewer!) that come to mind when someone says “Art Notes.”

AC: Leave room for creative license! (to be clear, for the illustrator’s creative license)

RVC: What was the One That Got Away?

AC: Oof. You would think it would get easier each time, but there are a few that have stuck with me even years later. I try to console myself with the knowledge that at least the book will find its way into the hands of readers, and I’ll be able to add a copy to my personal bookshelf.

RVC: Your favorite quote about picture books (or writing, or editing—I can adjust to whatever you’ve got)

AC: It’s not a quote, but I was gifted the book Dear Genius: The Letters of Ursula Nordstrom, and it is one of the best gifts I’ve ever been given. I changed a lot about the way I approach editing after reading her letters. And I think anyone who loves publishing and books should read it. There is so much wonderful history (and humanity) in this book, and I have found a lot of inspiration in how I approach my work from it. If you really need a quote, though, on my wall is a quote from Ernest Hemingway: There is no friend as loyal as a book. 😉

RVC: Thanks so much, Allison!